Thursday, December 18, 2014

World Market Tea and Treats

On our last visit to Savannah we came across a Cost Plus World Market store.  Since I don’t have one close to my home, I decided to do a little shopping. 

IMG_1560I’d never tried Typhoo tea and since I like British teas (London Cuppa and PG Tips) I decided to try a box.  When I got to the check out line there was a 75% off table with Thanksgiving things.  I thought the Republic of Tea Maple Pecan and Pumpkin Ginger black teas sounded delicious and would be  nice for Christmas too, plus $3 a tin sealed the deal.


The Lila Stix cookies and Tunnock’s Tea Cakes also ended up in my cart.  The Tea Cakes look interesting in their red and silver foil wrapping, don’t you think? 

IMG_1563Of course, I should have paid more attention to the label and read that they are a biscuit base topped with marshmallow – not one of my favorites.

IMG_1564 These look like a treat that my grandkids would really enjoy.


The Typhoo tea is quite good and so are the Lila Stix cookies.  I’m looking forward to trying the other flavored teas over the holidays.


  1. What a yummy and healthy way of using tea!

  2. Tunnocks is a beloved Scottish provider of awesome snack food.
