Friday, April 26, 2013

National Stress Awareness Month


Here are a few tips, from our friends at the American Heart Association to lower stress and help our hearts and minds:

Talk with family and friends!
Catching up with people is good for your head and your heart.

Work some daily activity into your life.
We can’t all do marathons, but we can get our heart rate up a little bit each day.

Laugh more!
Seriously, it's good for you!

Pace yourself instead of racing yourself.
Work out a plan so that you can do the most important things in the day.

Get enough sleep!
Sleep deprivation makes us less efficient and more stressed. And it gives us those circles
under our eyes. To learn more stress reduction tips, check this out.

drinking tea

Of course, my favorite stress reliever is a nice hot cup of tea (maybe Tower of London blend by Harney & Sons) and a good book.  How about you – how do you cope with stress?


  1. Definitely sitting quietly with a nice pot of tea. Also walking, exercise, and escapes to a beach or the countryside.

  2. OK, that is hilarious to me, because I am just now catching up on blogs and did not realize April was National Stress Awareness Month--I was too stressed! And I do agree that tea helps!
