Sunday, August 9, 2009

Slow Me Down Lord


Slow me down, Lord, amid the confusion of my day.
Ease the rushing of my steps by the hushing of my heart.
Draw me in as I cast anchor to repair and restore.
Help me to remember that happiness is not a pursuit
  toward an end, a place to finally arrive.
It comes as I spend a few moments a day
  reflecting on the things that make my soul thrive.

                                        - Jan Coleman

These wise words are from a little book called Soul Retreats for Women that was a gift from my friend Joyce.  Sitting down with a cup of tea and a book is a nice way to slow down, revive and refresh your day.


  1. We have some lovely flowers for you over at the Prodigal site--please pop in and pick them up!

  2. Very good words to remember. Sometimes we just need to sit down with a book and cup of tea to slow down.

  3. Darling, I just stopped by to let you know that I have returned and that I had a great time. I missed you too much to stay away longer!! Have a beautiful Monday.

    Duchess xx

  4. Oh, man did I need to read this this morning! I just copied that poem to post on my bulletine board. Thanks parTea lady!

  5. I just got through writing a post for tomorrow that says almost the same thing! Please know I wasn't plagiarizing, my friend!

  6. Wonderful quote. I need to recite that several times a day!!
