Wednesday, June 24, 2009

British Tea Attitude

Tea reached England around 1645 and by the 1700s it was the nation’s favorite beverage.  However, it wasn’t until the 1800s that tea came within the financial reach of the masses.  


It has been said that next to water, tea is the Englishman’s proper element.

This little rhyme by Rudyard Kipling says it quite well:

We had a kettle; we let it leak;

Our not repairing it made it worse.

We haven’t had any tea for a week.

The bottom is out of the Universe.


  1. That's too cute. But I know the feeling. I think I would have to rush out even in a storm (which I'm extremely afraid of) to get tea should I ever run out!

  2. Hello ParTea Lady, What a unique name, I love it!! How nice of you to stop by my cottage and many thanks for all the lovely comments. I visited your blog also and would return this Sunday when I have some free time to read some of your archive postings. I am new at the blog word. I so wanted to create a blog for myself; however, life got in the way. Now I have some free time and am able to devote some time to my passion. I do hope you will drop by my cottage again and when you do I will sincerely appreciate it if you would sign up as a follower and place a link to my blog on yours, being new at blogging I would like to increase my follower base so that I can spread my love of England and tea.

    Take care and hope to see you again.
